Duck behavior can be pretty easy to understand. So, if you’re wondering how to tell if your ducks like you, you’re in luck. It’s not too hard to tell.
I love my ducks. I love the way their little feet smack the ground when they run, the way they follow me around and greet me in the morning when I come to let them out of the coop, and the way they hang out with me when I work outside. For a while though, I wasn’t sure if they liked me back. What are the signs and what do I look for? Is this a one sided relationship? Maybe you’re feeling the same way. Here are some signs that your ducks love you back.
5 Signs That Your Ducks Like You
- They talk back to you. Ducks talk a lot to begin with. They’re noisy animals, so this one might be a little less obvious than the rest. If your ducks like you they’ll usually quack to let you know. I like to greet them the same way each time I see them so they get used to my voice and knowing when it is me. “Hi duck duck.” Or I just say “duck duck duck duck” until I hear them. They go from their cute, usually quieter, little quacks to some pretty excited and loud ones when they hear me call. Here is the “words (quacks) of affirmation” love language.
- They snuggle up with you. Ducks are pretty affectionate creatures. Some of them like to snuggle and will even come over and nestle right by you to take a nap if you’re sitting at their level. Truthfully, mine are not as lovey dovy as I wish they’d be. We’re still working on that.
- They give you little duck kisses. Duck kisses tickle and it’s hilarious. Their bills are not sharp. They almost feel like plastic. Try sitting down with them and hold your hands out. If they’re comfortable around you they’ll nibble on your hands, pants, feet, whatever is available.
- They follow you around. This one might be my favorite. I LOVE when my ducks follow me. I feel like Snow White (the 1812 version). They get in a single file line and waddle behind me wherever I go.
- They find you to hang out. Ducks like to be with you. Just like a dog, they like to find your company. if they get used to your voice and know their way around the farm, they’ll usually come find you and hang out. Seriously. They always know when I’m on the back porch and will come sit with me while I read. They like to sleep under the furniture too.
If you’re concerned your ducks don’t like you, there are some things you can do to start changing that. It won’t happen over night, they can be quite skittish, but if you keep at it, they’ll soon be your best little buddies.
Check out THIS BLOG POST about making your ducks your friends!